Thursday, January 2, 2014

And 2014 has begun...

Happy New Year!

I'm still in that wobbly, not-quite-found-my-feet, still-deciding-on-my-resolutions-for-the-new-year, am-I-even-going-to-make-resolutions-this-year stage.  Some years I meet head on, all gung-ho and ready to take on the world. This year not so much.  Looking at the whole year stretching out in front of me is a little daunting, so I'm attacking this year a little differently.  I'm breaking it down into monthly, weekly and even daily choices.  If I think about taking a photo every day for a year, I wonder if I should even bother starting.  So I'm not thinking about taking a photo every day for a year.  I'm just thinking about taking a photo today. And I'm not going to get all hung up about using my 'real' camera.  A selfie with a savage at bed time is still a photo.

My weekly goals involve encouragement.  I'm joining Holley Gerth's 2014 challenge called Coffee For Your Heart.  Every week I will be posting words of encouragement, as prompted by Holley, and hopefully providing someone with the words they need to hear to help get them through their day, or even just their afternoon.  I'm not good at encouragement, and I'm hoping this will help me get better.

My monthly goals will be based around a different book each month.  In January, I'm reading a book by Annie Downs called Speak Love: Making Your Words Matter.  I'm hoping to focus each month on something I want to learn, or simply be better at, whether it be speaking words that build others up or photography.  I have a few books in mind, and trust that as the months fly by, others will make themselves known.  Feel free to offer up any you recommend.

And so that's where I am, on this second day of 2014.   I wish you a year of much laughter, and happy memories.

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